You don’t sell a product, you sell an experience.

do not sell your product

Everyone couldn’t care less about the technical specifications of your products. Sorry to be so blunt about it. Even though I might think it even more strongly. And I’m probably not far from the truth.

But let me soften my statement a bit, yes. Saying “everyone” is a bit exaggerated. Let’s say a majority instead. If you think I’m still being too harsh, let me present my arguments.

By constantly emphasizing the technical advantages of your products, you’re only stroking your own ego. It’s self-glorification, as if you’re flexing in front of the mirror and loudly proclaiming that you have the physique of an Adonis.

Let’s be honest for a moment. Apart from a few insiders, those who have been following you for a long time, nobody is interested in the technical specifications of your products. It’s information that may seem important to you, but for the majority of your audience, it’s downright boring.

Let’s do a little test. Do you remember what motivated your last purchase? I’m not talking about everyday purchases. No, I mean your last indulgence purchase. Let’s say your last pair of shoes or your latest mobile phone.

For the first one, it certainly wasn’t the double stitching on the shoe’s toe. And for the second, it definitely wasn’t the sapphire crystal lens protection or the voice over LTE.

The commercial argument without reflection

A bit of caricature. That’s how I see the majority of industrial companies like yours when it comes to promoting their products.

Presenting your products with technical arguments is a big problem. Firstly, it sets you apart from the practices of major players in your industry. Secondly, by using the argument of technical specifications, you’re fighting with the same weapons as 98% of your competitors, whether you consider them as such or not.

And finally, you’re not meeting your customers’ expectations at all.

On a daily basis, I strive to make my clients understand that a product, no matter how plain and ordinary, can be highlighted in ways other than its specifications or options.

I tend to think that the greatest service you can do for yourself is to remove your blinders and take a step back. See the bigger picture. Open yourself to the possibility that your products cannot be defined solely by their size, weight, options, etc.

So how should you talk about your products?

If you truly want to highlight your products, talk about the benefits of using them.

I’ll go back to my earlier example. What makes a good pair of shoes? The ones that won’t hurt your feet even after 3 hours of walking. The ones that help you stand straighter, which has benefits for your blood circulation, energy levels, and reduces back pain…

It’s quite simple; it took me just 2 minutes to think about it. And yet, it’s not something I see from you. Now, you might say, “My products are a bit more complex than that.” Perhaps, but that doesn’t take away their benefits and usefulness for your customers.

A rule not to forget

A rule that has probably escaped you. Buying is and will always be an emotional act. We often talk about customer needs, but without truly understanding them. Let me tell you a secret: there is no need except the one we create for ourselves. No one buys in a detached manner. Not even the most ordinary object, not even the most basic food item.

Buying a pencil will inevitably lead you to imagine yourself drawing, sketching, seeing your children making drawings or coloring…

Another example, buying a salad will make you imagine recipes, combinations with other ingredients, you’ll dream, you’ll want to cook, invent, and please your friends at a dinner party…

It’s this mental escape, this constructed pleasure that results from a purchase.

Creating content around a product’s features is an action that closes off any projection. Creating content around the uses and benefits of a product instinctively unleashes imagination.

See your products as a path to fulfillment.

My wish is to help you see your products as they are perceived by your customers.

They are means of material fulfillment.

Ask yourself the right questions:

When a person uses your product,

  • What should they feel?
  • How will their situation change by using your product?
  • Can they use your product in another way?

A simple glass can be used for:

  • drinking water
  • preparing a cocktail
  • savoring wine or whiskey
  • serving as a pen holder
  • serving as a paperweight
  • drawing a circle easily
  • making a pen holder with papier-mâché

You might find it strange, but the best way to promote your products is not to promote them at all. In fact, it’s about promoting them indirectly. The more empathetic you are, the more you’ll be able to dissect the different emotions your products can evoke in your customers.

Then you’ll have all the cards in your hand to create content that is no longer tedious but rather creative and close to reality.

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