Auditing Google my Business categories in less time than it takes to brew a cup of coffee

google my business categories

Let’s get straight to the point, Google my Business is a little gold mine. I mean… really gold mine. Not because you can get a customer’s review or display a photos etc…

Although all of them are pretty cool for managing your visibility online, Google my Business hides some better stuff to put your business on top. 

The one I love, really love, is the trick consisting in auditing business categories used by your competitors. 

In this article, I would like to explain my method for auditing the categories of a market present on Google my Business and thus help me to better position my own pages. 

Step 1 : Go to Google Search Bar

Step 2 : Look for a search query that brings up the local pack 

Step 3 : Click on “more places” to see results on Google Map

Step 4 : Open the inspector console

Step 5 : Run a command

Step 6 : Enter either

document.querySelectorAll(‘.rllt__details’).forEach(function(a){console.log(a.innerHTML.match(‘· ([^<]*)’)[0]);});


document.querySelectorAll(‘.rllt__details’).forEach((a) => {console.log(a.innerHTML.match(‘· ([^<]*)’)[0]);});

Step 7 :  TADAA !!

And this is how, with a few manipulations, you can get a holistic view of the categories of the Google my Business listings of a market related to a search intent. This allows you to position yourself on the same tags in order to indicate to Google your proximity to these businesses.

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